Cinnamon Bun Pancakes
For All Stages of the ITG Diet Plan

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- 1 Packet ITG Plain Pancake
- 4 pinch(es) Cinnamon
- 1 Packet Splenda
- 2 pinch(es) Nutmeg or Allspice
- 1 Packet ITG Very Vanilla Pudding
Cinnamon Bun Pancakes Directions
- Make up a package of the Pancake, using enough water to make it slightly runny.
- Spoon into a nonstick skillet. Sprinkle the top with a mixture of cinnamon and Splenda (amount depends on how much you like cinnamon!)
- Make up the vanilla pudding with extra water so it's runny enough to pour, but not too thin. Pour over the Crepe. If you miss cinnamon buns like me, this really is yummy!